FMX Ramp-Age combines the high-flying action of freestyle motocross with the passion of X-Games gold medalist Adam Jones, who is dedicated to sharing this thrilling sport with the world. With years of experience winning freestyle motocross events worldwide, Adam Jones has transitioned to creating the most captivating and entertaining freestyle motocross show available.

In this unique freestyle motocross show, Adam takes on the roles of both athlete and announcer. From inside his helmet, positioned upside down 30 feet in the air, he hosts the entire show. The performance includes breathtaking backflips, in-helmet commentary through a microphone, and a specially curated show soundtrack. Guaranteed to leave audience members with a smile, FMX Ramp-Age offers an unparalleled experience in the world of freestyle motocross

Adam Jones

Adam Jones, an accomplished athlete in the world of freestyle motocross, boasts an impressive resume that includes being an 8-time X-Games medalist, Dew Tour Champion, Red Bull X Fighters winner, and a current Nitro Circus Athlete. Over the course of 22 years, Adam has traversed the globe, participating in competitions and showcasing his skills in shows for various companies within the freestyle motocross industry.

Drawing from this extensive experience, Adam has harnessed his knowledge to establish his own production. Widely recognized as one of the hardest workers in the sport, he consistently maintains a level of excellence that rivals the top FMX athletes worldwide. Even after two decades in his career, Adam continues to land himself on podiums, a testament to his enduring dedication and skill in the dynamic world of freestyle motocross.

Options To Suit Your Needs

At FMX Rampage, we offer a tailored show experience to meet your specific requirements, whatever they may be. Whether you're in need of a headline show to fill a two-hour time slot for your event, multiple performances throughout several consecutive days, or a concise 20-minute demo at a specific time, we've got you covered. We provide custom quotes designed to accommodate the unique needs of your event. Your satisfaction is our priority, and we are committed to delivering a high-energy and thrilling FMX show that aligns seamlessly with your event's vision.

Show Footprint

The preferred show set up length required for an FMX Ramp-Age show is 300 x 50’. This versatile production can be executed on nearly any surface, as long as the terrain is reasonably level

